Innoquad Smart Street
Lights Solution

We have heard of power consumption & transmission losses are high while handling the street lights manually. So to avoid such losses Innoquad provides Smart Street Lights Solutions, which monitors emission, energy consumption and saves energy.

We build smart solutions as per the requirement of the area & make that area look brighter and smarter which makes this solution the surest way to real savings.

Comprehensive Features

Remote switching & Scheduling
Remote Monitoring & Control
Smart & Vigilant System
Smart Street Lights Benefits

Remote switching & Scheduling

One can easily switch On/Off lights with just one click from their smartphone & can also handle it from anywhere around the world. Our solution has the capability to switch on scheduling basis. We provide optimized switching which depends on various factors such as

  • Weather
  • Intensity of light
  • Dimming during off-peak hours
  • Astro clock based schedules

Smart Street Lights Benefits

A system is incomplete if it doesn’t benefit you in an efficient way. Innoquad smart street lights solution makes the system convenient by

  • Saving Energy
  • Providing Longevity
  • Reducing Carbon Emissions

Remote Monitoring & Control

The Users can comfortably monitor & control the lighting parameters such as the power factor, brightness, loads & faults. This enables the lighting operations more effective & efficient.

Smart & Vigilant System

Our solution makes the system safer by triggering alerts & prompts in case of any flaws via text or mail. It also differentiates the major and minor issues & accordingly indicates the severity level of the faults. This feature is very helpful during the maintenance of the system.